June 12, 2013

5 Ingredients...or Less | Sesame Mixed Greens

I (Bailey) really love to cook and to eat. Sometimes, though, when you're tired, it's hot, the kitchen's dirty (insert any other potential reason here)...I have a really hard time feeling inspired to prepare something for my family. 

I'm really lucky because many years ago (before starting Antiquaria with Emma), I was a part time cook for a family of 4. I absolutely loved researching recipes and grocery shopping for my by-weekly trips to their house. Once there, I would prepare one meal for them to eat fresh that evening and then prep a meal for them to cook the next day when I wasn't there. 

The experience was amazing and it really helped define the way that I cook today. In my new column, 5 Ingredients...or Less, I will share simple (very simple) recipes that you can use/adapt/substitute to your heart's content. It's upon these nuts and bolts basics that I build almost every meal that I make...swapping an ingredient here, adding an in-season pick there, until you have something totally different and wonderful!

This first recipe is so delicious. It's a very basic salad that has exceptional flavor. The sesame oil and balsamic vinegar play well with each other and highlight basically anything you put with them. With just 5 ingredients, you have a wonderful side salad or starter course. Add in a protein, maybe some chicken or chickpeas and you have the perfect light summer supper! This is just for one large serving but simply multiply the ratios accordingly to serve 4 (or 20) people!

Sesame Mixed Greens
Serves One

the Ingredients
1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
1 tsp Sesame Oil
1 tsp Olive Oil, preferably extra virgin
2-3 handfuls baby lettuce
Salt & Pepper (pinch each)
1 orange, segmented
1/2 cup mint leaves, or to taste

the Method

In a mixing bowl, whisk together the first 3 ingredients.
Add the salt and pepper (a pinch of each) and whisk once more. Taste and adjust as needed.
Gather handfuls of chilled, crisp lettuce leave (mine were from the garden) and toss them in the dressing.

Plate the greens and add in your orange segments & mint leaves (also from my garden), if desired.

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