May 14, 2013

A Place for Everything

and Everything in it's Place!

It's always good to have a quick & handy reference to look at when setting a table. Of course, there are many different arrangements you can use, depending on the occasion and time of day...but today we wanted to share the one we fall back on most often.

For flatware, you want to think about the progression of salad forks and soup spoons are on the outside of the dinner fork & knife. Dessert flatware is set above the plates.

Doesn't the mix of blue & white china (from our Copenhagen Collection) look awesome when set properly on the table?? Can you imagine how bland it would look if it was all just the same pattern? Yawn.

I hope this inspires you to pull out your fanciest plates and plan a great meal! If you have any questions about table etiquette be sure to leave us a comment so that we can answer it!


  1. The silver is gorgeous! Who makes it?

  2. Hi Shoshanna!
    It's made by Community Plate:)

  3. Thanks for the info! A little googling and it appears to be the birds of paradise pattern? Great post and beautiful blog!

    1. Absolutely! I'm so glad that you enjoy the blog:) I think you're correct--it is the bords of paradise pattern!

  4. I love this! Do you mind if I share your image on my new little blog in a post on table manners? I'm sorry for asking in a comment, but I didn't see a way to contact you privately. I blog at, and I will look for a follow up comment or you can reach me privately, victoria dot goins at gmail. Thank you!
