December 21, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Fifty-Eight

Merry week of Christmas, Journal Gang! Who’s ready to celebrate?

How are your holiday preparations going? We spent this weekend wrapping up some last minute to-do’s, in hopes to enjoy a relatively relaxing week ahead. What sorts of things have you been up to this season? Did you do any holiday baking? Soo many recipes, so little time! We’ve been sharing snail mail, baking, decorating, wrapping gifts, working on hobbies, making paper snowflakes (so fun!) and just trying to embrace the spirit of it all along the way. 

One of the best things about the holidays is the fact they are centered around nostalgia and traditions. It’s a reminder of years past, and a lively way to embrace the current stage of our lives as well. Making gifts for our children, to cherish in the future. Looking back on things we made as kids. Some gems always emerge when rummaging through the ornament bin, no!? Meeting up with old friends, and growing closer with new ones. It’s about food, sharing, love and thoughtful gestures. Embracing spirituality and the long-standing traditions surrounding it. These are the things that make the holidays so wonderful.

The idea that we take pieces of where we have been, where we come from, and then merge them with where we are now, and where we aim to be - it’s just such a sweet aspect of life. It’s a comforting thing. We absolutely love hearing about others’ traditions! Recently, a friend shared that their family makes dried fruit slices each year and hangs them as ornaments. They look like little stained glass pieces - so pretty! That’s just one example of how sharing traditions can spark ideas and inspire you to integrate new ones into your own celebrations as well. 

So..what are your favorite traditions? What thing(s) from your family have you carried on with you through life, into later years? Have you integrated any new traditions? What traditions would you like to start? Write all about it! (We'd love to hear about some of them, too!)

We hope you all have the most wonderful, happy, merry Christmas. Like, ever. I have had a wonderful time dreaming up and sharing prompts with you. This year has been a doozy, but we’ve just about made it through. I hope your journaling practice brought you comfort, throughout the hardest of the times this year - of which there have been no shortage. I appreciate you reading these posts, and sharing along in this journaling journey! I hope your 2021 brings the glow of a bright future as it approaches. Good things await. ❤

Merry Christmas, and Happy Journaling! 


The Antiquaria Team

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